Following the recent series of rolling blackouts in California, we got wind of this a couple of day ago via Twitter:
Our suspicions have since been confirmed:
Here is the current GFS forecast for 00:00 UTC on Sunday:

And here is CAISO’s forecast demand for today:

Meanwhile a certain Andrew Neil has still not corrected his “no doubt inadvertent error” on Twitter concerning battery storage capacity in California during the previous such event:
As reported on Twitter:
Here’s an overview of the California ISO’s states of emergency:

It’s now just past the period of peak electricity demand in California, so perhaps stage 3 will be avoided today?

However tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow evening has arrived in California. Solar PV generation has ceased, but presumably thanks to manual “demand side response” on the part of some of the citizens of California the electricity demand peak has been shaved once again:

A Stage 2 Emergency was declared by the California ISO once again:
and a Stage 3 Emergency was avoided once again:
Meanwhile the fires are still burning in California, some of them “0% contained”:

Tomorrow is another, another day!
The final Flex Alert of the Labor Day weekend did the trick, with no emergency being declared on Monday:

However the fires are still burning, and Public Safety Power Shutoffs (AKA power cuts!) have been ordered by PG&E as a result:

The graphic below is just a snapshot of the power outages across California yesterday evening. Most of them were due to Pacific Gas and Electric’s Public Safety Power Shutoffs:

There were over 200,000 outages at that moment, but the peak will have been higher. And many of those outages have apparently lasted for quite a long time:
Wildfires are now raging along almost the entire western seaboard of the United States. Here’s an image from the Suomi NPP satellite showing the resulting plume of smoke being blown across a large area of the North Eastern Pacific Ocean:

Public Safety Power Shutoffs are still ongoing in California, as well as further north in Oregon and Washington. Here is Portland General Electric’s current power outage map:

The United States’ National Weather Service has issued a “dangerous heat wave” warning:
The map shows the number of outages decreasing now:
However this is intriguing!