The introduction to a recent article on the Octopus Electric Vehicles blog about their Powerloop vehicle-to-grid trial reads as follows:
Powerloop is providing a crucial insight into the viability of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), as well as helping improve the customer experience for the installation of other smart technologies. The project is run by Octopus Electric Vehicles in partnership with UK Power Networks, Energy Saving Trust, ENGIE EV Solutions, Open Energi, Guidehouse and our sister company, Octopus Energy, Here, we discuss how Powerloop works, why V2G is so important, and how learnings from this project are helping UK Power Networks improve the broader smart technology onboarding process!
What is V2G?
Put simply, V2G enables an electric vehicle (EV) owner to be both the generator and the consumer of energy, using bi-directional charging technology to allow the user to charge and discharge their EV. This means that, unlike household appliances that can only receive energy, such as a kettle, the car’s battery becomes an energy asset that can transfer energy back to the grid.
However our readers located in UK Power Networks’ service area might be most interested in the following exciting information?
Powerloop is V2G in action, and is still open to new participants (just five spots remain!). Combining the Nissan LEAF with the Wallbox Quasar V2G charger, Powerloop is gathering real world data to help show how V2G can be a valuable asset to the UK’s energy network by helping flatten peak grid demand and making the most of renewable energy whilst using an EV.
By all means read the Octopus article in full, but if you want one of the last available chances to get a Wallbox Quasar on your own wall as part of the Powerloop V2G trial get in touch with Octopus PDQ!

The latest feedback from Octopus EV on the Powerloop trial:
I have just finished Octopus EV’s most recent Powerloop webinar.
All the places on the trial are currently full, but you can still apply to go on their waiting list. It seems that around 10% of applicants are forced to drop out because their premises fail the EREC G99 checks. Here’s a UKPN overview of that process:
I need to upgrade my wall charger after installing Tesla Powerwall . My car is a Tesla model 3 2021 series which has , I believe , bidirectional capacity .
Please can you advise on v2g capable 32 amp wall sockets .
My power supply has just changed to Octopus as I also have some solar panels .
Happy to be involved in trials
Hi Martin,
There were rumours a few months ago about Tesla Model 3’s including hardware capable of bi-directional power transfer:
However as you can see they were swiftly debunked. Unless you have some more recent news to the contrary?
The Octopus V2G trial uses Nissan LEAFs, and to the best of my knowledge has no more vacancies.
Is it possible to purchase a Quasar unit from Octopus even if you are not involved in any trials as they are not be conducted in you area
Not from Octopus as far as I am aware. However Wallbox seem to be advertising them in the UK now:
Also Indra have a waiting list for their V2G capable charger:
Many thanks for your response.
I have requested a quote from Wallbox UK but as yet I have had no response.
I am already registered with Indra
Are Octopus Energy introducing any V2G and V2H during 2024 or 2025?
If not, do you know of other energy suppliers that are providing or plan providing V2G or V2H in 2024/25?
I believe the Nissan LEAF and the Cupra Born are equipped for V2G and V2H.
Is the Cupra Born also acceptable when you do re-introduce it?
Best Regards
Hi Peter,
We’re not part of Octopus, or au fait with their future plans for that matter. The V2G Hub claims to contain details of all V2x trials worldwide, so that may be worth a look:
Various EV OEMs have been talking about introducing “production” rather than “trial” V2x services. Renault are the most recent that I’m aware of. See:
The R5 will support “AC V2G”, rather than the DC flavour used by the LEAF and hence the Ovo/Octopus trials. Promised for the UK in 2025!