An Open Letter to Trudy Harrison, Scott Mann et al.

Particularly given recent events in Ukraine and the publication of the IPCC’s AR6 WG2 report the urgency of this issue increases with every day that passes. Hence I reproduce below an email I sent to Trudy Harrison MP on December 17th 2021.

Below that is the only response I have received to date:

Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021

To: Trudy Harrison MP
Cc: Scott Mann MP

Hello Trudy,

I originally e-met Rachel Maclean via a Cicero Group webinar. Since you have now taken over her role it seemed appropriate to introduce myself to you, particularly in view of the Prime Minister’s recent announcement about electric vehicle charging points.

In particular I am the only UK representative on a wide range of “smart grid” and “EV charging” international (and hence British) standards setting committees. I also sit on the British Standards Institution’s L/13 “smart energy overview” committee as the UK’s leading expert on V2G technology.

If possible I would like to discuss some of the “interoperability standards” implications of the draft legislation associated with the Prime Minister’s statement with someone in Government. Who do you recommend?

Best wishes,

Jim Hunt
V2G EVSE Limited


Thank you for contacting me.  Please accept this as an acknowledgement of your email. You will receieve a response within 7 days.

Please note the following:

·  If you are a constituent please ensure that you have provided your full name and address, including postcode. There is a strict Parliamentary protocol that MPs only deal with matters raised by residents of their own constituency. 

· Where possible, all circular email campaigns will be responded to by letter and on my website –

· I may need to pass your details and email to any relevant authority deemed appropriate to help answer your query. If you do not wish this to happen you need to inform my office to this effect.

Thank you for taking the time to write to me.


2 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Trudy Harrison, Scott Mann et al.

  1. A relevant new academic journal article is due to be published in May, but is now available online:

    Electric vehicle attack impact on power grid operation

    A pre-print is available here. As the abstract puts it:

    The increasing need for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the drive for green cities have promoted the use of electric vehicles due to their environmental benefits. In fact, countries have set their own targets and are offering incentives for people to purchase EVs as opposed to traditional gasoline-powered cars. Manufacturers have been hastily deploying charging stations to meet the charging requirements of the EVs on the road. This rapid deployment has contributed to the EV ecosystem’s lack of proper security measures. raising multiple questions related to the power grid security and vulnerability.

    From the paper’s conclusions:

    Given the non-linear nature of the EV charging load discussed in this paper, we compared attack simulations utilizing residential loads and EV loads and found that the EV loads can be more damaging to the operation of the grid.

    The nature of the EV ecosystem also makes it an ideal target for cyber-attacks to create a botnet of high wattage high VAR load to attack the grid. We also presented how an attacker that can estimate the grid topology can utilize stability metrics to craft smarter attacks using a smaller number of EVs while maximizing the impact. Finally, we presented patches for the vulnerabilities using industry best practices and suggested two possible detection strategies against EV attacks.

  2. As luck would have it I received a letter from a member of my MP’s staff on the evening of March 3rd.

    Here’s an extract:

    Thank you for your email to Scott Mann MP. He has seen it and is aware of your concerns, and has asked me to respond on his behalf.

    We’ve had a look at the web link you sent. It is great, but what is it you are looking for from Minister Harrison? Knowing would help us suss out how best to help. Speaking from his perspective, Scott agrees that shared access to things like cars and active travel is the future.

    Here’s a link that will be in my reply, if my spare bandwidth ever turns positive again:

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